Florida Inmate Search /Police Department /Edgewood Police Department Inmate Search, FL

Edgewood Police Department Inmate Search


5565 South Orange Avenue, Edgewood, Florida, 32809

FL, Edgewood Police Department

The Edgewood Police Department operates under the principles of maintaining public safety, promoting community partnerships, and upholding the law. The department is responsible for enforcing local and state laws within the jurisdiction of Edgewood, Florida. The Chief of Police oversees the department and reports to the city government.

The Edgewood Police Department provides a range of services to the community. These services include patrolling the city to deter crime, responding to emergency calls, conducting investigations, and enforcing traffic laws. The department also works closely with other law enforcement agencies and community organizations to address public safety concerns and promote crime prevention initiatives.

Contact Information: Edgewood Police Department 5565 South Orange Avenue, Edgewood, Florida, 32809 Phone: 407-851-2820 Website

Are Edgewood Police Records Public?

Yes, Edgewood police records are generally considered public records and can be accessed by the public. The Florida Public Records Law, also known as Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, grants the public the right to access and inspect government records, including police records, unless they are exempted by law.

Some of the records that may be exempted from public access include active criminal investigative records, records that would endanger the safety or security of law enforcement personnel, and records that are part of an ongoing criminal investigation. However, it is important to note that certain information, such as the names of victims or witnesses, may be redacted to protect privacy.

How to Find Edgewood Police Department Arrest Records

The Edgewood Police Department is responsible for maintaining and providing access to arrest records within its jurisdiction. Under Florida law, arrest records are generally considered public records and can be accessed by the public.

When a criminal is detained by the Edgewood Police Department, they may be transported to a local jail or detention center. Residents can contact the Edgewood Police Department to inquire about the location of the detained individual and obtain arrest records related to the case. It is important to note that certain information, such as the names of victims or witnesses, may be redacted to protect privacy.

Residents may also be able to obtain arrest records from other law enforcement agencies involved in the case, such as the Orange County Sheriff's Office or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

How to Find Edgewood Police Department Jail Register

The Edgewood Police Department works in collaboration with local courts and prisons to ensure the safe and secure detention of individuals who have been arrested. When a criminal is detained by the Edgewood Police Department, they may be transported to a local jail or detention center.

To find out where a criminal has been transported, residents can contact the Edgewood Police Department for information. The department can provide details on which jail or detention center the individual has been taken to. Additionally, residents may also be able to obtain jail records from the respective jail or detention center.

Please note that the Edgewood Police Department does not operate its own jail or detention facility, but works closely with other agencies to ensure the proper processing and detention of individuals who have been arrested.

Edgewood Police Department, FL Police Records

For additional information on police records and related resources, you may find the following links helpful: